We have many Adult Sunday School Classes to choose from with many different teachers who are all teaching different curriculums. Feel free to visit any of the classes we have to offer and find one that fits your needs!

Young Professionals Class
Teacher: Bro. John Scahill
Our YP Class is for our "College & Career" young adults and meets in Room 305 every Sunday at 10:00 am during our Sunday School Hour. Bro. John and his wife Mrs. Jamie are excellent leaders of this class and host activities and fellowships for all who attend!

Fellowship Class
Teacher: Bro. Craig Amenell
Our Fellowship Class is for our young married couples and meets in Room 302 every Sunday at 10:00 am during our Sunday School Hour. Bro. Craig and his wife Mrs. Mandy love their class and strive to provide encouragement for the young families at JBC!
Heritage Builders Class
Teacher: Bro. Jeff Johnson
Our Heritage Builders Class is another one of our adult classes and meets in Room 107 every Sunday at 10:00 am during our Sunday School Hour. Bro. Johnson and his wife Mrs. Jamie are thrilled at the opportunity to invest into this class building a godly heritage for the homes represented!

Ladies of Grace Class
Teacher: Mrs. Ginger Wolfenbarger
Our Ladies of Grace Class is for any lady who would like to attend and meets in Room 201 every Sunday at 10:00 am during our Sunday School Hour. Mrs. Ginger loves her ladies and provides a sweet class environment to encourage Bible learning and fellowship.

Friendship Class
Teacher: Bro. Duane Marshall
Our Friendship Class is an adult class and is available for anyone who would like to come! Many of those who attend are a bit more "seasoned" in life , but all are welcome! They meet in the Fellowship Hall every Sunday at 10:00 am during our Sunday School Hour. Bro. Marshall and his wife Mrs. Cathy invest so much into their class and host luncheons, activities, and fellowships for anyone who wants to join!